Monday, June 15, 2009

Technology Assignment Explained

As part of the core curriculum for secondary science classes, students muss learn classifications of structures. One focus will be the stars and planets. In order for our students to learn about these structures we have come up with a technology project these students can do on their own. We decided to have the students learn to use an online resource called "Stellarium". We created an assignment that helps them to familiarize themselves with the program and to explore a bit to help them understand more about these celestial structures. We took some screen videos showing how to do some of the steps for the assignment as a resource for the students. We posted these onto our course website so the students could access them and provided a link to a google document so that the students could have a template for their assignment. The students will answer the questions in the document by using "Stellarium" and take some screen shots. They will be required to post all answers and screen shots on their blog.

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