Monday, June 15, 2009

Safety talk with Mom

I had a nice chat with my mom about internet safety. Particularly what safety precautions she makes for herself and for her family. My mom claimed she didn't know much about internet safety, but the more I talked to her, the more "safety rules" i noticed she was actually implementing. She said she doesn't like giving out her personal info, doesn't open messages if they are received from an unknown sender, and doesn't even join facebook groups because she's a bit worried about it all. A precautions she and my dad have made for the family is keeping the computer in the kitchen, a very public area, facing out so it can be viewed easily. This has gotten complicated with the introduction of laptops into the house. My mom worries about the time my sister spends on the computer. Not that she's worried about inappropriate things, but just that it is addicting. We had a nice discussion about what I learned from Elder Bednar's talk. I also referred to some of the videos I had watched and what I learned from them. One thing I had to offer was the bit I learned about being open with your children about the internet. I told her why I thought that was so important and it brought up some more interesting discussions. It was a neat thing to discuss this prevalent topic.

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